Student Led Conferences (SLCs) and Book Sale next week! What should I expect?

Dear Parents,

Next Friday, May 6th will be our Infant School student-led conferences. The idea behind student-led conferences is to include children in discussions about their learning.  There are no regular classes on this day.  Rather, you will have registered for a time for your conference via the Primary School office.

In older grades, these conferences often include conversations led by the student in terms of what they are achieving, what they are finding challenging, and what they can do next to support their growth (goal setting). In K1, student-led conferences are an opportunity for your child to show you their classroom, lead you through some familiar activities, and share what they love about school. By immersing yourself in the learning environment with your child, our hope is that your child will be able to tell you more about their K1 experience and what excites them most about their learning.

Our student-led conferences will be 45 minutes in length. As we have many families visiting throughout the day, it will be important for you to arrive on time and to leave on time. The timing of the conference is, unfortunately, not flexible as we need to leave time for cleaners to sanitise between group visits. You may leave the conference early if you must, but you will be unable to stay past your scheduled end time (even if you arrive late).  In addition, SLCs are not something that can be rescheduled to an alternate day.

Our K1 conferences are play-based, just like many of our classroom learning experiences. Come ready to play with your child! You might want to wear something that will be comfortable for sitting on the floor. 

Your child will introduce you to some of the learning engagements on offer and show you what to do. There is no set script for the student-led conference. Please follow your child's interests and let them lead you. Feel free to ask your child questions and to have fun!

Your child may take you to any centre that is open. Please do not feel pressure to visit and engage with every activity. You and your child may get caught up in something special --there is no need to rush. The focus should be on quality time together in our classroom, process over product -- creating warm feelings about learning and the home-school partnership. Our only request is that you be mindful of giving other families their personal space, if appropriate. Your child's teacher will let you know how many families can be at an activity at any one time.

Please note that student-led conferences are not parent-teacher conferences, and the teacher will be unable to engage with you in a personal discussion regarding your child's progress. Discussions regarding a child's progress are best held at times when confidentiality can be provided, and the teacher is able to give you his/her undivided attention. If you have questions or concerns regarding how your child is progressing in K1, you are always welcome to reach out to your child's teacher via email and we will get right back to you.

Children do not need to wear their school uniforms to their student-led conference.  Our preference is for younger siblings to be left at home, if possible, so that the focus may be on your K1 student.

Finally, we ask that you put your phones away for the duration of your child's conference and give your child your undivided attention. Your child's teacher will be taking photos of you with your child throughout the conference and these will be shared with you.

Our Grade 4 students will also have a used book sale set up outside of the K1 pod.  All books will cost $2.00, so please bring your small change.  All proceeds will go to the Grade 4 Global Concern, Bali Bridges.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Thank you for your continuing support,

The K1 Team
