Class Placements and Transition to K2

                                           Our K1 students enjoyed visiting the K2 pod space!  

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that we are now entering our final week together in K1. Where has the time gone? We have loved getting to know your beautiful children. The end of the school year is always so bittersweet for us. We are excited for the new adventures that await your children in K2, but also feel a bit sad that it is time for us to let them go. By the end of the school year, each class feels like a family.

We understand that many parents (and children) feel some anxiety over the thought of class placements for K2. With this in mind, we wanted to address the top 3 questions that we receive about class placements and reassure you that a lot of careful thought has gone into the placement of each child.

Why do we mix-up the classes, and create new classes for K2?

As a UWCSEA community, it is important for us that the children form connections with many children across the grade level. This builds a sense of community and belonging that extends beyond the classroom, and becomes increasingly important as the children get older. It is also important that students new to the school have the opportunity to join a class filled with children who are open and prepared to meet new friends.

We would like to reassure you that, despite changes to classes, our experience shows us that our children are skilled at making new connections and will be supported through these changes.

What if my child is sad that he/she is not placed with specific friends from the current class?

We want to thank you, in advance, for trusting the process. We have ensured that each child is placed with a child that he/she plays with in the classroom, and collaborates well with. We may have also intentionally placed your child with a child from another class, a child where we can see a potential friendship blossoming.

It is important to not only look at the class groupings in terms of which current friends will be in your child’s class. It is also important to view children from our other K1 classes as potential new and wonderful friends for your child.

We also ask that you don’t view the new classes through the lens of how many children of the same gender have moved up from your child’s current class. At this age, most children play with who they play with -- regardless of gender -- and your child’s teacher will have taken this into consideration.

Please reassure your child that they are going to see MANY familiar faces from K1 in their new K2 class. The children have had the opportunity to play across the grade level this year during our outdoor playtimes and Discovery Time, and will recognise most of the children in their new classes.

Why can’t I request a specific teacher for my child?

When creating new classes, the starting point for all teachers is to look at each individual child, their learning style, their positive relationships, their strengths and challenges, and what makes them unique. Our aim is always to create balanced learning classes, rather than placing children with specific teachers, which is why we do not take specific teacher requests. We want to assure you that all K2 teachers meet weekly to plan the programme collaboratively, and work as a team to support all children in K2. This collaboration is facilitated by our K2 learning pod and shared outdoor learning spaces.

Your child has taken part in a few experiences to help them feel more confident with the idea of moving to K2. Your child has:

  • Visited the K2 pod with our K1 teachers and engaged in a Discovery Time in the K2 learning space
  • Enjoyed a visit from a K2 classroom teacher, and was able to ask any questions about K2

Monday, June 20: K2 Class Assignments Released

In class, we will be letting your child know who their K2 teacher will be, and who some of their classmates will be. Students will have the opportunity to visit their new K2 classroom in the morning. After school finishes, you will receive an email with a letter from your child’s new teacher.

Thursday, June 23: Last Day of Classes, Pyjama Party Day and Early Dismissal

In class, we will be celebrating our year together in K1. Your child is invited to wear to school his/her pyjamas. Please send an individual “party box” snack for your child to enjoy during snack time. This might be your regular healthy snack, with a little treat included. This is a half day of school.
Dismissal on this day will be at 11:00am.

It has been an extraordinary year in so many ways -- filled with both challenge and opportunity. Thank you, sincerely, for all of your support.

Have a wonderful school break,

The K1 Team
