Welcome to K1 at UWCSEA!

Dear K1 Families,

Welcome to UWCSEA! 

Our team has been hard at work preparing for the arrival of the children and we're excited to welcome them to school next week. I hope that your child is excited to join us and begin their UWCSEA journey.

My name is Andrea Strachan and I am the K1 Head of Grade and Curriculum Coordinator for the Infant School. I am fortunate to work with a fantastic team of Early Childhood Educators in K1. Catherine (K1CAM), Sarah, (K1SEB), Helen (K1HTH) and Mitzi (K1MCO) are the K1 Classroom Teachers and we welcome you to contact us with any questions you may have. In addition, we are joined by 8 wonderful K1 Teaching Assistants.  They are Valerie and Hadma (K1CAM), Jessica and Sue (K1SEB), Marissa and Clara (K1HTH), and Citra and Yasmin (K1MCO).  Wanda Morgan is our K1 Support Teacher and works across the classes with all students in K1.

The aim of this blog is to provide you with whole-grade information, particularly in regard to key events and curriculum updates that are pertinent to K1 families. 

K1 is a Big Adventure!

If you have not already had the opportunity to do so, please visit our K1 Orientation Website.  On this website, you will find a video from Vikki Wright (Vice Principal of Primary School - Infants) and myself welcoming you to our school and sharing how you can prepare your child for school.

What to expect for next week

Please be sure to check for any Covid19 updates on the school website and to log your child's daily temperature here:  Health Advisory and Updates

Monday 16th August: NO CLASS for K1

Tues. - Thurs. (17th - 19th): One third of the Class attends each day, Staggered Start Day
Please refer to the groupings and information letter that was emailed to you from the Infant School Office. Your child has been invited to join one of the staggered start dates. On this date, school will begin at 9:00am.  They will eat one mid-morning snack and lunch at school, and finish at 12:30pm. No school bus services are offered for K1 on these dates.

Friday, 21st August: Whole Class, Regular School Day

This will be your child's first full day of class. Bus service for K1 will be available on this day. 
Please drop your child off between 7:30 and 8:00am.  K1 pick up will be at 1:40pm.


Please ensure your child comes to school wearing a mask that completely covers their mouth and nose. Please also pack 3-5 spare masks in a ziplock bag that your child keep in their school bag. You may be surprised at how quickly your children soil their masks during a busy day of K1. It is important to check at the end of each school day to see if spare masks need replacing.

UWCSEA Blue Folder

Please send to school each day your child's UWCSEA Blue Folder.  This will be used for sending home student work, library books, etc.


Children require 2 snacks each day, and a lunch.  They will eat a "brain food snack" (small early morning snack), morning snack (regular mid-morning snack) and lunch.  Morning snacks and lunches can be ordered from Sodexo, or brought from home.  If you are ordering morning snack and lunch from Sodexo, you will still need to send in a small "brain food snack" from home.

Spare Change of Clothes

Please be sure to send to school a spare set of clothes in a zip lock bag that can be left at school.  A top and bottoms, spare underpants and socks are preferred (no dresses).  Please ensure each item is clearly labelled with your child's name and class.  We would recommend sending an additional uniform as they are easy to pull on and your child will not stand out (e.g. be the only one in play clothes) if they have had to change due to a toileting accident.


Be sure to decorate and clearly label your child's UWCSEA school hat.  Hats are to come to school at the start of the school week.  We will keep them at school and send them home again on Friday for washing.

Student Bag Tag

Your child will receive an identification badge for their school bag when they come for their class visit on Friday. The badge should be attached securely to your child's school bag. The badge will support staff in knowing your child's name, who their teacher is, where their classroom is, and how they are getting home.

Home School Communication:

1.  Email:  This is best to use when you have a question or communication that is specific to your child.

2.  SeeSaw Weekly Announcement:  These will be sent to you on Fridays.  This will be a message from your child's teacher that includes information specific to your child's class.

3.  K1 Blog:  This blog is updated regularly and will communicate information that is relevant for the entire grade level. A link to the K1 blog will be included in both the Friday SeeSaw announcement and the Dover eBrief.

3.  Dover eBrief:  This will be sent to you by email you on Fridays from the office.  This will include information that is college-wide.

Welcome Letter

I have included below the K1 Welcome Letter that was sent to you with your child's class placement information. 
