K1 Home Reading Programme


Artwork by Claire (K1CAM):  Drawing of Ms. Strachan reading with Jonah and Killian

Dear Parents,

Thank you for another fabulous week of K1!  We look forward to meeting with you next Friday, September 10th for Parent-Teacher Conferences. We are excited to share with you our observations on how your child is settling-in to life in K1, and to answer any questions you may have.  There will be no classes for K1 on this day.

K1 Home Reading Programme

Today we will begin our K1 Home Reading Programme. Your child will bring home 2 books in his/her blue folder today. One is a Wordless Picture book and one is a Class Library book. You may keep these books at home for the week (remove them from the blue folder). Please return them to class by Wednesday of next week so that your child can exchange them for new books. More details on our Home Reading Programme are here:

Today your child brought home a Wordless Book in their blue folder. If you are interested in seeing how our teachers support students in using Wordless Books, here is a video of Ms. Malone in action (click on the link below):

Song & Rhyme Books

Today your child will bring home his/her Song & Rhyme Book. Inside this book you will find the words to some of the songs that your child has been learning in class. Your children love to chant and sing! Song & Rhyme Books will be sent home on Fridays, and are to be returned by Thursday of the following week. Each week, we will add a new song to the folder. Below is a copy of the letter you will find in your child's Song & Rhyme Book, outlining how it supports literacy development:

Thank you for being partners in your child's literacy development.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The K1 Team
